Thursday 29 November 2012

Photoshop Workshop

Non destructive editing, creates layers so they can be edited/ changed later, rather than permanently changing the image.

Output- How image will be used for the final presentaion eg. print, poster, screen.
Bitmap graphics- Photoshop works with made out of tiny squares pixels. Not like illustrator vector graphics. not a mathematical equation, it is the size that you create it to be.

Because photoshop works with bitmap graphics, you have to make sure you set up the resolution correctly and select the appropriate format for what the final work will be used for the  average eye can not determine pixel 1/300 of an inch

These have to be a higher resolution then 300 pixels/inch.

Colour profile:

If you are designing an image for screen it should be designed for 72 pixels/inch

When creating for screen the colour is made out of light, specifically RED GREEN BLUE
Where as colour for print isn't made of light and should be cmyk, CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW and BLACK
Colours that are created by RGB light can't always be reproduced by CMYK printing.

RGB colour


One way to change the mode of the image is the way shown above, however this is a destructive editing tool, and can't be reversed.

Proofing Image:

A proof image is a mock up or test at how something will look when finished.It is no destructive and can easily be reversed. This is useful in graphic design as it is how you work in partnership with the client.

Gamut- The full range eg. colour gamut. If something is out of gamut it means that the colours used are out of the colour range. It gives us a visual representation of the colours you of gamut and helps assist bring the colours in to gamut in a none destruction way.

Because the gamut range is so out of range, something drastic has to be done, so we went adjustment layer>hue/saturation.

First we lowered the saturation of the image, the colours bright blue and green are ofter out of the gamut colour of CMYK. So we adjusted the hue. The colour red shows a lot more detail and brightness.

The triangle pointers show shadow, mid tones and highlights.

This subsequently adds to much light to the window section and detail is lost there for we use the mask tool by selecting the paint brush and making sure the foreground colour is black, then you erase the sections of the light to make them darker again. It is both none destructive and dynamic.

Here i have created more than one adjustment layer.

Because there was a definite edge we could make the mask simultaneously by using the selection tool and 

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Design Principles OUGD404: Type As Image, The Anatomy of Type

Type as image
Type & image

We looked at toilet signs - international , eg. in airports signs are recognisable from people of all laungageues so they can understand them.

  • Manipulating type & image
  • Anatomy of the type working with generating and developing type
  • Manipulation type to crete image
  • Type design essential logo branding identity.
In the studio session we brought in our cut out 10x10 letters A,B & C higher and lower case in the variations of fonts: Gothic , Block , Roman , Script.

Monday 19 November 2012

OUGD404 Design Principles: Typeface Analysis

Using my five original fonts I have to:-
  • specify the full typeface family of each
  • pick the most readable typeface family member and present it A4 scale, landscape. 
  • Display the typeface in 'the quick brown fox...' format using the most appropriate font size.


I think the most readable family member of this typeface is bold in a 72pt size. It was between the regular arial and the bold version. In the end i decided that the weight and thickness of the bold made it easier to read against the white background.

Agency FB:

This is the Agency FB family. It is considerably larger than the Arial family. I think the most readable from this family is Agency FB regular 72 pt.

Gill Sans:

The most readable here is Gill Sans MT medium. This is because it is the most readable weight and thickness. I think that the light version is too thin and contrasts too much against the white background, and the bold is the opposite, too thick. The medium version is the perfect balance.


This typeface didn't have any family or versions. Therefore there was no other i could pick. I chose the pt. size 48, as it was a wide heavy font, but needed a sizeable pt. size so it was readable.

Apple Chancery:

This is also a single typeface with no variation or family. I chose 72 pt. size as it was the most legible.Due to the serifs and decretive nature of the typeface, at a smaller point size it was really hard to read.

Roman- Times New Roman

 Gothic- Century Gothic

 Script- Apple Chancery

Block- Impact

Thursday 15 November 2012

OUGD404 Design Principles: Type and character

  • Trial & Error - Testing
''Type is speech made visable"
  • Industrial revolution, before the storytellers-Camp fires oral tradition. We use different oral dynamics when we speak - accents.
  • Different layouts & characters. If we didn't have different characteristics we would only have the type Gutenberg created on the printing press
  • Font                                  Serif
  • Typeface                           Sans Serif
  • Font family                        Script
  • Weight                              Blackletter
  • Stroke                               Display
  • Uppercase/Lowercase        Monotype
  • tracking                          
  • Kerning                             (Symbol)
  • Typeface - A collection of characters letters , numbers , symbols , punctuation , etc. Which have the same distinct design.
  • Font- Physical means used to create a typeface, computer code , linthopgraphics , metal or wood cut.
  • Multiple weights give you a typeface.
  • Font - same stoke same weight.
We only had one type rom the font when putting them into groups we compared them by the list on the board.

bold italic
ultra-bold condensed

  • Gothic - stripped down simple
  • Romen fonts are the serif fonts - carved stone (type writer font still referred to as serif)
  • Block Font - headings, headlines , width boldness short sentences.
  • Script font- fluent style, handwritten.
We put them into new groups. GOTHIC , BLOCK , ROMAN , SCRIPT - The problem with this was theres a fine line between some of the groups eg. Gothic & Block.
  • You can have a black gothic and a block script.
Legibility & Readability

  • Led tracking & Kerning .. It was used to put a gap between the letters in the printing press.
  • What makes a font readable - leading size , in-between & around.

'Accdroing to a reseacrh at Cmabridge Unrveisity, it dseon't matter in waht odrer the lteters in a wrod are. The olny iaportmnt tihng is taht the fisrt and lsat lteter be in the rihgt plcae.The rset can be a ttoal mses and you can slitl raed it wuthoit prlboem. Tihs is bceause the huamn mnid deos not raed eevry leettr by iteslf, but the wrod as a whole.'

Legibility Is the degree to which glyphs (individual characters) in text are understandable or recognisable based on appearance.

Readability Is the ease in which text can be read and understood. It is an influenced by line length , primary, secondary , leading justification , typestyle , kerning tracking point size ect.

Tracking, the space between the letters kerning is the opposite. To much kerning becomes un-readable.
Fundamental knowing how fonts work and being able to recongise.

Rule: no more than 3 fonts

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Message and Delivery: Mail Shot

For this brief i started by creating a few thumbnails, i knew what i wanted to end up with and the information i wanted to portray, so i focussed on ways to  deliver and layout that information. I decided that my mail shot would have the purpose of informing and warning the receiver of the L'Aquila earthquake scientists. I also decided early on that in addition to the information i wanted to create some form of badge or sticker to help spread awareness to the general public and hit a wider audience, almost like a snowball effect.

Here are some of the proposed formats and layouts of the mail shot. I knew from the start that I want the envelope to be part of the design, to fold out or develop in to the mail shot its self:


 This is the layout i decided to go for, It will fold out to develop a poster design that people can pin up to spread awareness.

Final design developments:

Inside of mailshot:

I relayed the information of my poster on to the mail shot poster. I added some more information as I think people spend more time reading a mail shot than a poster. I also added a hashtag, social networking has become a huge part of communication, therefore utilising the tagging system on twitter is a great way to spread a message. Campaigns to raise awareness recently have used social networking sites to gain global recognition, such is the case of the 'find Kony 2012' campaign.

As there was no restriction on type and image for this brief i added a faint silhouette of italy to the background. This not only adds context and message to the information. But also adds visual interest. As well as adding new texture and deeper dynamic.

Front design:

Back design:

Sticker design:

I am pleased with this sticker design. I like the bold use of colours. The bright red is really eye catching and attention drawing. 

Because of the success of the sticker and its bold eye catching nature i decided to include the design on to the front of the envelope. I think it makes the envelope much more eye-catching and interesting. I think that people would be more likely interested to read the mail-shot. with the more eye-catching envelope.

Final design of the envelope stitched together:

Mailing list:

Ideally i would want to send out my mail shots nationally to the general public. Or to different science communities. Sending to politicians could all so be a good idea as they are in the public eye. Sending the mail shot to the media would also be a good way to spread the message.